Sunday, December 14, 2014

ELA This Semester

What did you do this semester in ELA that was most meaningful to you, and why was it meaningful?
The most meaningful thing I did in ELA this year were the creative writing assignments I got to do. The creative writing was the most meaningful for me because it was another outlet I got to use to express myself and my creative nature. 
What was the most challenging thing about ELA this semester, and why?
The most challenging thing about ELA this year was writing an analytical paper. That was the most challenging for me because I struggle with have good sentence structure and grammar. 
What would you like to change about ELA, and why?
I would like to have more grammar lessons. We only had a couple. I want more because like I said in my last answer I struggle with sentence structure and grammar. 
What would you like to stay the same in ELA, and why?
I would like to keep things the way they are except for having more grammar lessons. ELA has become one of my favorite classes and I am understanding and participating. For me the way the class is now works really well for me. 
Something that I just wanted to add was that sometimes it gets a little difficult or complicated to fit all the criteria needed to get a good grade in seminar. Not because I am not prepared but just on how the discussion is going and who is participating. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

3 heroic epithets

1) "Athena's seagrey eyes glinted" 
This is helpful to the singer because it helps give detail and description to the character of Athena. This will allow the audience to be able to be more intrigued and picture Athena. 
2) "And Telemachus, in his clear headed way:" 
This shows a strong personality trait of Telemachus. This helps the singer because it helps the audience to know what Telemachus was like. 
3) "Dawn's pale rose fingers" 
This helps the singer to set the mood. To allow the audience to picture the setting and imagine it more clearly. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Showing Xenia

Xenia means showing hospitality. The hospitality is shown to show off the wealth and power of the person showing the hospitality. You can see xenia in the forms of giving protection, shelter, favors, bathing, and feasting. Two times we see xenia in the Odyssey are when Odysseus receives clothes in a polished sea-chest, richly wrought gold, many cauldrons, and the other gifts he receives from Alcinous and his people. (Odyssey pg. 192) Another time we see xenia is after Circe promises Odysseus that she will not harm him or his men she baths and feeds them a great feast. (Odyssey pg. 151) Even though for my second example Circe didn't start out with xenia because she poisoned and turned the men into pigs she does later on show the xenia.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

My passion

I have a huge interest in musical theatre. I always knew I liked preforming ever since I was a little kid. When I am on stage or performing I get this certain type of thrill. Its an amazing feeling I feel like I am on top of the world. I love being other people, I especially enjoy playing evil characters. It is just fun to play something that you are not. Dancing, singing, and acting are what I love to do, and I hope I get to do it for as long as possible.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Analyze Maus

I think that there were many conflicts in this story. There are many big conflicting events. I think that the Holocaust was the biggest conflict issue in this story. Throughout the story we see people facing tragedy, death, and suffering because of the Holocaust. From the Holocaust we also people showing greed, anger, violence, luck, and the will to fight and live. Since we see all of those things in the story I see the Holocaust as the biggest conflict.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Art's father meeting a stereotyoe

Throughlt the book we see Art's father being greedy with his money. He never wants to buy his wife Mala anything, and he refuses to pay a professional handyman. I think his father became like this because of his experience with the Holocaust. In the story it shows that his father had to constantly give so much of the very little he had left. I think now he has learned that he only has to pay to survive and get by. Even though he knows he is safe now he is stubborn to go back to things were. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Do you think the use of illustration as opposed to just written text is an effective way of delivering this story? Why or why not?

I do think that the illustration are an effective way of delivering the story. This story of this book is a very sad topic. I think the pictures are still showing the sadness and delivering the story. With words you read and think about the way things were. With the pictures you can visualize the suffering and the way things were, while also enjoying the comics. The comics for me make it somewhat easier to read the story.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Review of The Alchemist

In my ELA (English Language Arts) class we just finished reading the book "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. My rating for this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️ out five. My favorite thigs about this book where the learning about Personal Legends, the love interest between the main character Santiago and Fatima, and also how when I was reading it sometimes a Harry Potter refrence would pop into my head. While the book was talking about Personal Legends it got me thinking "Is everyone on the planet for a reason?" I do think people are here for reason. I love to read two characters falling in love so Santiago and Fatima were cute. Their ship name is Satima. The Harry Potter refrences that came into my head were the Philosophers Stone, and the Elixir of Life. I would recommend this book.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

How I ship Fatima and Santiago

I find Santiago and Fatima's relationship really adorable. I found it very romantic when she let him leave her to complete his Personal Journey. She knew he would come back for her. I also enjoyed how even when he found his treasure the thing that is mainly on his mind is getting back to his love. I know that they will stay together forever. I knew when he thought he was in love with the merchants daughter that it wasn't real love. He just found it nice that a girl actually spoke to him. Fatima and him have real love. They have real love ❤️❤️❤️

Monday, September 29, 2014

What is the purpose of omens in The Alchemist?

I think that the purpose of the omens was to guide Santiago. Every omen that Santiago saw meant something important. They all guided him along the right path to completing his Personal Legend and finding his treasure. For example the omen of the two Hawks at the oasis, he sees the Hawks and knows that they are signs that a war is coming. Once he believed in that omen and told everyone it set off a chain of events that led him to his Personal Legend. Everything is connected. One decision sets off a chain of events to the end. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it."

I do believe that when you want something the universe helps you to achieve it. I think that the ways things work out or don't work out all happenes in mysterious ways. I find it very similar to the when you have the option between going left or right that decision is going to affect your future. I think the universe and the way humans are pushes us into the path we are supposed to take. If you turn right and something bad happenes then that was what was supposed to happen. I hope this made sense like the way it made sense to me.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

What is a Personal Legend, and why do you think this will be important in the rest of the book?

I think a Personal Legend is a goal or dream that a person has. I think that Santiago's Personal Legend is to travek the world and see new things. Everyone has a Personal Legend. I think that this will be important with the rest of the story, because Santiago is in the process of doing his Personal Legend, he will discover new things like possibly finding the hidden treasure, and while doing his Personal Legend something amazing is going to happen to him.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

What do you hope to get out of English Language Arts this year?

I am hoping to learn better grammar and sentence structure, how to write different styles of papers, and to be passionate about the different books I will be reading. I am hoping to learn better grammar and sentence structure because that is something I struggle with. Last year I only wrote four papers, so I wasn't able to really develop my writing skills. I only got into a couple of the books I read for school last year so I am hoping that this year I will have more interesting books.