Sunday, February 15, 2015

Contrast in story

  1. Contrast Jay Gatsby's story about himself on p. 65 and Jordan Baker's story about Daisy and Gatsby on pp. 74-77.  What is different about these stories, and why do you think that they are different?
There is obviously difference between Gatsby's story and Jordan's. There were a few things that were obvious differences. In Jordan's story it was all about Gatsby and Daisy, their lives together, in Gatsby's it was his life story. Jordan spoke hers with a voice that focused in on the romance of their story. With Gatsby his story came across fake and rushed. Almost like it was all a lie. Those were the two major differences I noticed from them. I think they are different stories because they come from two different people who experienced it in two different ways. Gatsby was living the story while Jordan was just an observer of it all. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

American Dream Example

The American Dream to me is basically a lie. Yes it applies to some people but for the most part I think it is unrealistic. The American Dream is the idea that if you work hard in life you can make and do anything you want. There are so many people who are struggling everyday to barely makes meet that work way harder than big CEO's who make way more for barely any of the amount of effort others do. An example of someone who the American Dream did work for is Jim Carrey. He had nothing growing up, he had to drop out of high school to get a job so he could help pay the bills. Since he worked hard and never gave up he was able to make his dreams possible and is now a very famous actor.