Monday, May 16, 2016

Will Grayson Will Grayson

I think the main message in this book is about the the three ways of love. 1) Learning to love and accept who you are. 2) The love, appreciation, and respect of loving a friend or friends. 3) Romantic love and how it will only work if you choose to make it work. A big theme that you see in this book is choice. Choosing between allowing yourself to fall, or break ones rules, or choosing to let yourself be happy. The Will Grayson have to learn to love who they are, appreciate those who they have in their lives, and allow themselves to fall in love.

"Maybe there's something you're afraid to say, or someone you're afraid to love, or somewhere you're afraid to go. It's gonna hurt. It's gonna hurt because it matters."

"maybe tonight you're scared of falling, and maybe there's somebody here or somewhere else you're thinking about, worrying over, fretting over, trying to figure out if you want to fall, or how and when you're gonna land, and i gotta tell you, friends, to stop thinking about the landing, because it's all about falling."

"need is never a good basis for any relationship. it has to be much more than that."

"NO. No no no. I don't want to screw you. I just love you. When did who you want to screw become the whole game? Since when is the person you want to screw the only person you get to love? It's so stupid, Tiny! I mean, Jesus, who even gives a fuck about sex?! People act like it's the most important thing humans do, but come on. How can our sentient fucking lives revolve around something slugs can do. I mean, who you want to screw and whether you screw them? Those are important questions, I guess. But they're not that important. You know what's important? Who would you die for? Who do you wake up at five forty-five in the morning for even though you don't even know why he needs you? Whose drunken nose would you pick?!"

Monday, May 9, 2016

Will Grayson Will Grayson

The main characters of this book are Will Grayson and Will Grayson.
Will Grayson #1) 16 year old boy who likes to not stand out. He is a protagonist in this story. He is attractive but not found attractive by all. He had two rules that he must follow 1. Don't care too much and 2. Keep your mouth shut. He breaks these two rules at once when he stand up for another student who then becomes his best friend. I have gotten to a point where I see Will Grayson #1 facing an inner conflict on whether or not he should allow himself to fall for a girl named Jane.

Will Grayson #2) 16 year old boy who faces a daily struggling of depression and hating himself. It is just him and his mom who he doesn't like. He is a protagonist of this story. He is secretly gay and has a secret online boyfriend. He has a best friend named Maura. Maura has obvious feelings for Will. I've gotten to a part where Will is ready to meet his mysterious lover boy.

Tiny Cooper) Tiny Cooper is ironically not tiny. The opposite of tiny, Tiny is a 16 year old boy who is described to be a huge football player. Tiny is extremely gay. This is actually how he is described in the book. He is a football player who is in a SAGA, does Musca theatre, and is in love with love. He goes through boyfriends like crazy and "falls in love" with everyone. He is Will Grayson #1's best friend. He challenges him to come out of his bubble. These two make an amazing best friend pair.

Monday, May 2, 2016


I really enjoyed reading 1984 and seeing the messages and topics that were hidden through the story. I think my favorite part of this book was how much it opened my eyes to what our society has become and is becoming. From the being watched every minute by the government (conspiracy theory) to people in our society become blank drones. Following along with what society tells us to do and believe. I also found the dynamics and traits of Julia and Winston very interesting. I didn't believe that they were in love until we were in a seminar. Someone had said that this our form and definition of love can't be applied to what they have because of the way their society is. This blew my mind! We have the freedom to love who we want in anyway we want. With their world they are so constricted. They aren't even aloud to have there own thoughts. I strongly recommend this book to people who haven't read it.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Main message in 1984

I think the main message in 1984 is a warning of what we as people and society can become. It shows how society could take over. That it influences is and that we could slowly be losing our of freedom and thoughts. "War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." We our becoming ignorant to what our society is turning us into. You could really say that while we have freedom in our country we are prisoners to ours society. "Until they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious." I think this quote is about waking up and being aware of what we are becoming or can become. "Power is not a means; it is an end." People need to be aware of what we are becoming to have change.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Julia in 1984

Julia is a protagonist in the story. I think that Julia is a round character. She has contradicting views and opinions against the Party. Also, in the beginning she has a rebellious sexual relationship with Winston. I think over the time that she has spent with Winston she has developed feelings for him. This makes her a dynamic character. "The woman with the black hair who works in the ministry of truth in the fiction department." I like that sentence because it's just his first impression of her but really there is so much more to her her.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Deconstructing an ad

This ad is from Women's Health magazine. Women's Health owns and paid for the making and ads of this magazine. In order to make a profit off people who want to be healthy or enjoy health and excerise. The target audience for this magazine are both for people who are out of shape and for people who are. The target for them could be seen as this is how you get into shape. We are the magazine that get you looking like this woman on the cover. The model on the cover of the magazine has a perfectly toned body and is wearing a bakini. Clues of this are words on the cover like "New Year New You" "A fast and easy plan to drop pounds and beat stress" "Look five years younger in 5 minutes." This ad is selling you this beautiful, young, toned body secrets that are easy and quick. It is hinting at we are the magazine that can give you this for not that much work. What's not being told is that it's the models job to work hard to have a body like that, it's not something that is achieved in 5 minutes. Also it isn't being told that this model is most likely photoshopped to fit more of a targeted image of beautiful and sexy. This ad disempowers any woman who doesn't have this figure. It is saying this is what sexy looks like and if you don't have this you aren't sexy.

Monday, March 7, 2016


When George Orwell was writing 1984 World War 2 was going on. We learned in class that the World Wars were devastating to people, they truly thought this was going to be how the world would end. I don't know how the second World War couldn't have been an influence on George Orwell. This book is talks about how the future will be a place where there is basically no freedom. A place where every move you make you are watched. I think that this book could be how George Orwell thought the war was going to affect the world. During WW2 there were some major leaders, for example Hitler. George Orwell could have taken a leader like Hitler as inspiration for the character Big Brother. Maybe he thought Hitler would win the war and this is how the world would be from it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Much Ado About Nothing

I think that there are multiple themes in Much Ado About Nothing. One of the first themes that comes to mind is deception and manipulation. Throughout the book you see people overhearing conversations and manipulating or deceiving people about the information that came from the conversations. An example of this is when Benedick and Beatrice overhear that the other one is in love with each other. Then is manipulated by people around them to believe it. I also saw the theme of honor of the ones you love. I saw this theme when Beatrice continuously tries to defend Hero after the wedding scandal. Also Hero's father reacting to the scandal.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Following the thought

"Claudio: That I love her, I feel.
Pedro: That she is worthy, I know 
Benedick: That I neither feel how she should be loved, nor how she should be worthy, is the opinion that fire cannot melt out of me. I will die in it at the stake." 

The thoughts that I am following are Claudio's and Benedick's. Claudio's thought is that he is in love with the character Hero. Before and after this line Claudio is saying how beautiful she is and he wants to marry her. "In mine eye she is the sweetest lady I have ever looked on." 

Benedick thinks this is a horrible thought. He is opposed to marriage and he thinks Hero is ugly. Benedick is very passionate about how much he hates Hero. He says he would rather die on a stake than marry her.  

This is what the passage would say if it was in modern English; 
Claudio: I love her. 
Pedro: I think she is good enough. 
Benedick: Are you kidding me? I don't think she is good enough for you at all! I don't see how anyone could love her. Nothing is gonna change my mind about this, I would rather be staked through the heart or burn to death than love her.