Monday, April 4, 2016

Deconstructing an ad

This ad is from Women's Health magazine. Women's Health owns and paid for the making and ads of this magazine. In order to make a profit off people who want to be healthy or enjoy health and excerise. The target audience for this magazine are both for people who are out of shape and for people who are. The target for them could be seen as this is how you get into shape. We are the magazine that get you looking like this woman on the cover. The model on the cover of the magazine has a perfectly toned body and is wearing a bakini. Clues of this are words on the cover like "New Year New You" "A fast and easy plan to drop pounds and beat stress" "Look five years younger in 5 minutes." This ad is selling you this beautiful, young, toned body secrets that are easy and quick. It is hinting at we are the magazine that can give you this for not that much work. What's not being told is that it's the models job to work hard to have a body like that, it's not something that is achieved in 5 minutes. Also it isn't being told that this model is most likely photoshopped to fit more of a targeted image of beautiful and sexy. This ad disempowers any woman who doesn't have this figure. It is saying this is what sexy looks like and if you don't have this you aren't sexy.

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