Saturday, April 25, 2015

A Raisin in the Sun

On p. 143, Walter states, "There ain't no causes - there ain't nothing but taking in this world, and he who takes the most is smartest - and it don't make a damn bit of difference how."  Do you think that this is true? Why or why not? 

I agree and disagree with this statement. I agree that this is a tough world a more than the majority of people take rather than give. Everyone wants to be on top. Betraying others taking what they have its so common now. The takers have been the ones to get ahead in life. I disagree becasue it shouldn't be like this. I think everyperson should give 60% and take 40%. I don't think you should have to take from others to get ahead in life. Taking from people does make a difference. You could make their life harder or hurt them in the process. 

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